Fully Funded Scholarships in Canada 2025

Sharaxaad Kooban

Dowladda Kanada waxay bixisaa deeqo waxbarasho oo badan oo si buuxda loo maalgeliyo oo loogu talagalay in wax lagu barto Kanada. Deeqaha waxbarasho ee dawladda Kanada oo si buuxda loo maalgeliyo waa deeqo waxbarasho oo bilaash ah oo la siiyo dhammaan ardayda adduunka oo dhan iyo deeqaha waxbarasho ee ardayda Carabta, taasoo la macno ah inay yihiin deeqo waxbarasho oo loogu talagalay dhammaan ardayda Carabta ee ka socota dhammaan waddamada Carabta iyada oo aan laga reebin. Deeqaha waxbarasho ee Kanada waa fursad dhammaan ardayda si ay u codsadaan deeqaha waxbarasho sida deeqaha waxbarasho ee bachelor, deeqaha waxbarasho ee masters iyo deeqaha waxbarasho ee doctoral. Waxaad codsan kartaa deeq waxbarasho oo bilaash ah ama deeq waxbarasho oo si buuxda loo maalgeliyo iyada oo loo marayo degelka rasmiga ah, kaas oo ah bogga rasmiga ah ee dawladda Kanada.



Scholarship Name:

 Government of Canada

Place of study: 

Canadian government universities

Study levels:

Bachelor’s, Master's degree

Grant and funding features

  • Full coverage of all round trip travel costs
  • Full coverage of all study costs
  • Provide monthly salary
  • Free accommodation provided
  • Provide health insurance

Documents required to apply for this scholarship

  • Fill out the scholarship application
  • Valid passport
  • Graduation certificate and transcript of grades of the last academic qualification obtained
  • CV (you can see a detailed explanation of it 
  • Motivational speech (you can see a detailed explanation of it 
  • Letters of recommendation (you can see a detailed explanation of them
  • A research strategy
  • English language certificate (TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo) or proof that your previous studies were in English

  • Final date

    Deadline for applying for the scholarship: Of course, the application deadline for each

    Adeegyada aanu bixino :

    Xaraynta deeqaha waxbarasho

    xaraynta tababaryada, tabaruc iyo fursadaha shirarka
    Diyaarinta dukumeentiyada lagama maarmaanka u ah deeq kasta ( such as CV, motivational letter, personal letter, letter of recommendation, research plan, essays and other requirements for any scholarship )

    Dukumeenti turjumaada shahaadaysan ee luuqad kasta 

