Canada West University Scholarships 2024


Sharaxaad Kooban

Jaamacadda Canada West waxay siisaa deeqo waxbarasho oo kala duwan ardayda caalamiga ah iyo kuwa maxalliga ah si ay u taageeraan kharashka waxbarashada. Deeqdan waxbarasho ayaa ujeedadeedu tahay in la dhiiri geliyo ardayda kaalmaha hore ka gaadhay waxbarashada iyo heerka sare ee qaybaha kala duwan. Qaar ka mid ah deeqaha waxbarasho waxay ku saleysan yihiin waxqabadka tacliinta, halka kuwa kalena ay ku saleysan yihiin shuruudaha sida ku lug lahaanshaha bulshada ama baahida dhaqaale. Qiimaha deeqaha waxbarasho waa kala duwan yihiin iyadoo lagu saleynayo barnaamijka waxbarashada iyo heerka waxbarasho, hadday tahay shahaadada koowaad ee jaamacadda ama barnaamijyada shahaadada sare.

Tusaalooyinka deeqaha la bixiyo:

1. Deeq waxbarasho oo heer sare ah : Waxaa lagu hagayaa ardayda leh waxqabadka tacliinta sare.

2.  Deeq waxbarasho oo hogaamineed : Bartilmaameedsada ardayda muujisa karti hogaamineed oo adag ama wax ku biirinta muuqda ee bulshada.

3.  Deeq waxbarasho oo Baahida Maaliyadeed : Ardayda muujisa baahida taageero dhaqaale.

4.  Deeq waxbarasho oo caalami ah : Waxaa loogu talagalay ardayda caalamiga ah ee raba inay wax ku bartaan Kanada.

Shuruudaha u-qalmitaanka waa ku kala duwan yihiin deeq-waxbarasho kasta, qaarna waxaa laga yaabaa inay u baahdaan soo gudbinta qoraallo ama talooyin marka lagu daro waxqabadka tacliinta.



Scholarship Name:

Canada West University Scholarships

Place of study: 

Canada West University

Study levels:


Grant and funding features

Level 1:

For Bachelor of Arts: $6,000
For Bachelor of Commerce and Business Communication: $12,000
Master of Business Administration: $7,500

Level 2:

For Bachelor of Arts: $4,000
For Bachelor of Commerce and Business Communication: $8,000
Master of Business Administration: $5,000

1. Academic Excellence Scholarships

This award is for students who have achieved excellent academic grades and want to succeed in their chosen field of work. Leadership qualities must be demonstrated professionally through their high academic performance and a track record of excellence in their chosen career.

For undergraduate students, the total possible value of this scholarship will range from $8,000 to $20,000, and for graduate students, it will be from $5,000 to $15,000.

2. International Student Leaders Award

This scholarship is available to those students who are committed to improving the economic development of their country. Applicants must submit a personal statement discussing how earning an award from their chosen program will impact their long-term goals for

education, employment, and personal development as well as how they plan to use their abilities to advance their home country. They may also discuss the challenges they face. The quality of your application and personal statement will determine the level of the award. Students must maintain a strong academic record.

For graduate students, the total possible value of this scholarship will range from $5,000-$7,500, and for undergraduate students, it will be $8,000-$12,000.

Available Faculties

  • MBA
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of Arts in Business Communication
  • Associate of Arts

Documents required 

For a Bachelor’s Degree:

An official high school transcript.

Official transcripts
Proof of English proficiency (if applicable).

For a Graduate Degree:

Official transcripts from all previous post-secondary institutions.

Where applicable, official documents confirming professional designations.
A comprehensive chronological resume that clearly identifies

educational achievements, work experience, career progression, and other relevant experience

You must provide evidence that you meet the English proficiency requirements listed in the “English Proficiency” section of the Admissions Policy;

Provide a certified translation of any documents not in English.

Final date

Deadline for applying for the scholarship:  The scholarship application process is open all year round.

Adeegyada aanu bixino :

Xaraynta deeqaha waxbarasho

xaraynta tababaryada, tabaruc iyo fursadaha shirarka
Diyaarinta dukumeentiyada lagama maarmaanka u ah deeq kasta ( such as CV, motivational letter, personal letter, letter of recommendation, research plan, essays and other requirements for any scholarship )

Dukumeenti turjumaada shahaadaysan ee luuqad kasta 

