University of Glasgow Scholarship in UK 2024


Sharaxaad Kooban

Jaamacadda Glasgow Deeqaha-waxbarasho ee jaamacadeed waxaa loo bixiyaa qiimo dhimis ah $7,000 sanad dugsiyeedka waxayna ku xiran yihiin horumar lagu qanco sannado isku xigta oo waxbarasho ah.

Macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan deeqda waxbarasho ayaa la siin doonaa musharrixiinta xiiseynaya iyo kuwa u qalma booskan.

Jaamacadda Glasgow ee Boqortooyada Midowday waxay ku faraxsan tahay inay ku dhawaaqdo tiro ka mid ah deeqaha waxbarasho ee heer sare ee Glasgow ee ardayda caalamiga ah.



Scholarship Name:

University of Glasgow Scholarship

Place of study: 

University of Glasgow

Study levels:


Grant and funding features

This is awarded as a tuition discount of $7,000 per academic year.

Available Faculties

1. College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences
  • School of Medicine
  • School of Veterinary Medicine
  • School of Life Sciences
2. College of Science & Engineering
  • School of Engineering
  • School of Computing Science
  • School of Physics & Astronomy
  • School of Chemistry
  • School of Mathematics & Statistics
3. College of Social Sciences
  • Adam Smith Business School
  • School of Social & Political Sciences
  • School of Education
  • School of Law
  • School of Psychological Sciences & Health
4. College of Arts
  • School of Humanities
  • School of Culture & Creative Arts
  • School of Modern Languages & Cultures

Scholarship Requirements:

Have international or EU (non-UK) fee status
Hold an offer of a place on an undergraduate programme for 2024
Demonstrate excellent academic achievement prior to starting university

Final date

Deadline for applying for the scholarship:  Check on site

Adeegyada aanu bixino :

Xaraynta deeqaha waxbarasho

xaraynta tababaryada, tabaruc iyo fursadaha shirarka
Diyaarinta dukumeentiyada lagama maarmaanka u ah deeq kasta ( such as CV, motivational letter, personal letter, letter of recommendation, research plan, essays and other requirements for any scholarship )

Dukumeenti turjumaada shahaadaysan ee luuqad kasta 

