Youth Cultural Diplomacy Forum in Doha, Qatar 2024


Sharaxaad Kooban

Shirka Horumarinta Joogtada ah ee Qatar 2024 waxaa loogu talagalay in lagu sahmiyo wejiga isbeddelka ee diblomaasiyadda dhaqanka ee qarniga 21aad.

Adduunyada ay wax walba ku xiran yihiin caalamiyeynta iyo tignoolajiyada, waxaan ka hadli doonaa sida sirdoonka macmalka ah uu u caawin karo diblomaasiyadda, kartida diblomaasiyadeed ee Shakespeare, iyo doorka baxsadka iyo dalxiiska ee isdhaafsiga dhaqanka.

Mawduucyada lagu falanqeyn doono madashan waxaa ka mid ah sida dib-u-soo-noolaynta Bariga Dhexe ay u saamaysay dublamaasiyadda caalamiga ah, qaybaha bilicda leh ee qaabaynta siyaasadda caalamiga ah, iyo awoodda ciyaaraha ee horumarinta diblomaasiyadda.

Xarunta Istaraatiijiyadda Dhaqanka iyo Diblomaasiyadda ayaa hadda aqbashay codsiyada ka qaybgalka Madasha Diblomaasiyadda Dhaqanka ee Dhallinyarada 2024 ee Doha, Qatar. Madasha waxa loo dejiyay in ay soo dhawayso codsadayaasha aduunka dacaladiisa ka kala yimi si ay ugu biiraan shirwaynaha 3-maalmood ee 7-9 Noofambar 2024. IELTS looma baahna. Madashu waxay u furan tahay qof kasta oo leh asal aqooneed. Intaa waxaa dheer, waxaa jira 5 kursi oo si buuxda loo maalgeliyey iyo 15 kursi oo qayb ahaan la maalgeliyey. Murashaxa ku habboon wuxuu heli doonaa xirmo buuxa oo ay ku jiraan kharashyada safarka.



Scholarship Name:

Cultural Diplomacy Forum

Study levels:


Grant and funding features

Financial support is available to participants:

Five fully-funded seats cover all summit expenses such as event merchandise, meals, accommodation, and additional benefits.
Fifteen partially-funded seats cover 50% of the summit fees.
Airfare (Full Scholarship: 1 seat): Airfare is provided to the top applicant, including accommodation, access to conferences, sightseeing, attendance at the networking dinner, and all other activities planned by the organization

Program Features

Developing practical skills
Networking opportunities
Contributing to a collaborative global community
Advancing understanding of cultural diplomacy

The Middle East Renaissance
Shakespearean performance diplomacy
The aesthetic turn in international policymaking
Literature, poetry and storytelling in cultural diplomacy
The dual role of escape and tourism
The role of sport in public diplomacy

What's included:

Summit invitation letter
Return ticket to the Best Public Diplomat
3 nights accommodation
Personal merchandise
Youth data and interventions
Exceptional community of influential creatives
Certificate of participation
10-week virtual course
Opportunity to work with us

Eligibility criteria

The forum is open to all citizens.
IELTS is not required.
Age 16-40 years.
Students, professionals, artists, travellers, social activists and young people aspiring to public diplomacy.

Selection criteria for the funded category

Quality of application
Education and professional experience
Youth participation and achievements
Creative projects and communication skills
Interview and social action plan

Final date

Deadline for applying for the scholarship:  September 27th, 2024
Result Announcement:   October 4th, 2024

Adeegyada aanu bixino :

Xaraynta deeqaha waxbarasho

xaraynta tababaryada, tabaruc iyo fursadaha shirarka
Diyaarinta dukumeentiyada lagama maarmaanka u ah deeq kasta ( such as CV, motivational letter, personal letter, letter of recommendation, research plan, essays and other requirements for any scholarship )

Dukumeenti turjumaada shahaadaysan ee luuqad kasta 

